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Five Nights at Treasure Island is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame created by Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez. The game takes inspiration from the indie game Five Nights at Freddy's and the creepypasta, Abandoned by Disney. Five Nights at Treasure Island was one of the first FNaF fangames, the first version being released on December 1, 2014. It was probably also the only one taking 6 years to develop and to be fully released (the final version was released in late 2020). Gameplay[]The setting is in the forgotten Disney attraction "Treasure Island". The player works as an intern for a research team, and cannot leave their Office except during Pirate Caverns. They have access to ten security cameras, and must monitor the facility using them. The Suits found in the facility roam around at night, and must be monitored by the player. If a mascot enters The Office, the player must immediately open the monitor and disable one of the security cameras, which creates a lot of noise and lures the mascot away. Failing to do this in time will result in the player's death. Plot[]You play as a night-watch intern named Jake Smith as he tries to survive through five nights at the abandoned Disney attraction Treasure Island. Jake was hired as an intern to collect data from the location, before a research team brings over more supplies from Alabama to investigate the attraction. Two people, namely Greg and Lisa, will leave voicemails providing information on how to pass through all the nights. However, the costumes at the location are somehow alive and mobile, and will attempt to harm Jake if they encounter him. Therefore, if a mascot enters Jake's Office, the player must open the monitor and disable one of the cameras. This creates a loud noise in the room the camera is in, which can lure the costume away. The camera will automatically turn back on after roughly 30 to 40 seconds. Using this knowledge given to him from the Phone Callers, Jake must survive against Photo-Negative Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Oswald and several other hostile costumes, from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 AM. Development[]Early Development[]On November 3, 2014 Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez announced Five Nights at Treasure Island by posting a picture on DeviantArt showing a Mickey with inverted colors and a Donald head as well as a map with cameras. On November 30 a teaser was posted with the title "COMING SOON". The teaser was an in-game picture again of the inverted Mickey (this time laying down) and the Donald head. The first Five Nights at Treasure Island Demo containing only one night was released on December 1, on Matthew's DeviantArt page. A few days later an updated version of the game was released with a second night, a more aggressive Photo-Negative Mickey and a few bug fixes. This version was the one that got played by youtubers such as Markiplier and got really popular. However Matthew made a post saying that he couldn't keep up with the work and that he didn't expect this game to be so popular so he needed more time to finish it. Unfortunately he wasn't happy with the results and he said that there were a lot of issues with the game, so he decided to start again from scratch and make a remastered version. The Remastered Demo (1.0), which was quit unstable, was then released on January 26, 2015. A few months later a trailer was released on PuritySin's channel at 00:30 (UTC) on April 2nd, 2015 and later the second remastered demo was released, this time with fully new designed areas (AnArt1996 said that he was not happy with the designs for the first remastered version and he blamed himself because in 1.0 he had only photoshopped the areas). At this point Tia (PuritySinners), who was a voice actor for the original game and had been cooperating with Matthew while making the game, had taken over development of the game since Matthew didn't really have any courage to complete the game himself anymore. According to Matthew she kept adding to the storyline until she had made a story which was completely different from what he originally envisioned for the game to be, so he lost interest in the game and gave the assets to PuritySin and her team. Now the game was being developed by the PuritySinners. But after an infamous major overhaul demo (Remastered 3.0), which replaced Photo-Negative Mickey by Willy, after the game files had been leaked due to a rogue developer, after the so called "Slimebeast vs PuritySin" drama, and after a few conflicts between the team and the community, Matthew announced the game would be cancelled. The former Wiki of the game said that it would be closing June 23, 2015. However Tia announced in a that from that point on, the game became the first part of a trilogy of Disney fangames called Project D.I.. On August 30, 2015, Tia announced that Project D.I. was canceled. Later that year, Matthew posted the game files so people themself could continue making the game and complete it. So between 2016 and 2018 a lot of people made fangames of Five Nights at Treasure Island, however none of them were official. In January 2017, game developers StellaWisps (formerly SubwooferX3) and Blackout1912 decided to cooperate and make the final version of the game (StellaWisps was actually part of the development team for Remastered versions 2.0 and 3.0 and she and Blackout had also made a succesfull FNaTI fangame called Nightmare Before Disney). However due to the game being rushed and not fully planned out, it was (again) cancelled even before a alpha version came out. Since the cancellation of Remastered 4.0, Blackout1912 and Malrat (formerly P.N.M) have tried several times to revive this version of the game, calling it FNaTI 4.5. These attempts were again unsuccessful, and they later evolved into The Lost Ones: Treasure Island. Later that year, on the 28th of October 2017, on AnArt1996's DeviantArt, a new Alpha build of a new fully designed Five Nights at Treasure Island had been uploaded. Being nicknamed Remastered 5.0 Alpha, this last version made by AnArt features new designed rooms, edited versions of the locations from the Remastered 2.0. As well as including a new range of new designs for the characters. This version was announced during a livestream about the game, but was cancelled due to GameMaker not cooperating with AnArt. Final[]Finally, in April of 2019, a indie game development group called Radiance had announced in a post that they would officially be taking on the game, and completing it (Radiance between 2016 and 2018 had already been making FNaTI games but they were not official and just fangames). On August 16, 2020, the official trailer of the game had been posted on the Radiance YouTube channel. You can watch the trailer here. On November 28, 2020 the full, official game was finally released. In early 2021, a second official game, "Oblitus Casa," was announced for release in 2022. This game was set to update and retcon a lot of the story from the previous game, including its appearance such as the cutscenes, characters, renders and visuals made for it, as they were declared non-canon by Nocturnum himself. However, the general story details were kept as the only canon media for it; Nocturnum described it as "the same story but with different writing." On November 28, 2022, Oblitus Casa 1.0 was released to mixed reception. While many were happy with the game, many others took issue with the game's gratuitous amount of bugs, poor balancing, and subpar post-night sections, among other things. After a handful of smaller patches, Radiance deemed the 1.0 version of the game unfixable and began working on Oblitus Casa 2.0, a major overhaul update containing better programming, Gamejolt API support, smoother gameplay, etc. On May 14, 2023, a third official game called Nightmare Below Disney was announced. It appeared to be a revival of StellaWisps' Nightmare Before Disney and feature drastically updated gameplay, graphics, and story. On September 29, 2023, Oblitus Casa 2.0 was released - in addition to the initially promised features, it also featured numerous graphical updates, completely overhauled post-night sections, fully animated cutscenes, and several gameplay additions, such as a post-mortem custom night. On October 31, 2023, Nightmare Below Disney was released, and turned out to be a front for an elaborate troll game called 7 Days Free. Upon completion of the troll game, the player is rewarded with a cutscene teasing a full remake of FNaTI 6.0, referred to as FNaTI 6.5, or simply Treasure Island. A day later, StellaWisps announced Hypnagogia, an official FNaTI spinoff and a modern retelling of her cancelled NBD 2 sequel from 2018-19.
Classic/Remastered 1.0[]
Remastered 2.0[]
Remastered 3.0[]
Remastered 4.0[]
Remastered 4.5[]
Remastered 5.0[]
Remastered 6.0[]
Oblitus Casa[]Troll Demo[]
Canon Game[]STUB
Remastered 6.5/Treasure Island[]Coming soon.
Five Nights at Treasure Island[]
Remastered 1.0[]
Remastered 2.0[]
Remastered 3.0[]
See Also[]References[]
Five Nights at Treasure Island