Five Nights At Treasure Island Wiki
Five Nights At Treasure Island Wiki
Information Gallery Audio
Species: Rabbit
Gender: Male
Color (s): Dark teal, black
Starting Location: CAM 4
First appearance: Night 1 (rarely)

Night 2

I know you're here, so, please bless me and help me out here. God? Where are you God?
— Oswald

Oswald is an unfinished suit, and is an antagonist in the game Five Nights at Treasure Island. He was Walt Disney's first ever iconic Disney cartoon character, but was later replaced by Mickey Mouse.



Oswald closely resembles his original Disney counterpart, except for the fact that he lacks arms. The reason for this, as explained by Lisa on Night 2, is because the suit was left incomplete before the arms could be applied to it.

With the exception of the lack of arms, All of his key features are there, such as his long ears, a pair of oval eyes, his rabbit tail, his nose and his overalls. His overalls, however, seem to look melted almost, and not as they were in the original cartoons.


Oswald becomes active starting on Night 2. He starts in the Storage Room, where he can be seen lying on the ground. He will stand before he exits the Storage Room. He can hide from the cameras like Photo-Negative Mickey. When he appears in the office, he is seen next to the Treasure Island sign. His jumpscare is him simply jumping up, screaming loud.

Oswald has been known to speak in a very deep voice which echoes throughout the island. He seems to move or is about to move every time he does this, saying things like:

  • "Bless your soul..."
  • "Don't bless this one...."
  • "Have mercy on me please... I only ask for blessing..."
  • "God?... God?... God?..."
  • "God?... Where are you God?..."
  • "God?...Please listen to me."
  • "I know you're here, so, please bless me and help me out here."
  • "I only ask for this..."


Oswald starts in the Storage Room, before standing up and moving to the Staff Area, the Lounge, the Meat Freezer, or The Office.


  • According to Tia, Oswald and God are connected in some way.
  • Oswald is voiced by the creator of the game, Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez.
  • Prior to Remastered 2.0, Oswald was colored dark teal and black. According to Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez, the reason for Oswald's messed up textures in-game for these versions is because of a glitch with the texture placement in his modeling program. On some cameras, he seems to be the same way.
  • In Remastered 3.0, whenever Oswald has entered The Office, his textures return to it's normal state, but he doesn't whenever in the cameras.
  • Oswald has no arms because he is an unfinished suit.
  • Oswald's Shade was going to be based off of SCP-173, as confirmed in a response Matthew made to a note asking what Oswald's Shade would be based off of but was later changed to BOB.
  • He rarely moves on Night 1.
  • Oswald is one of the characters that has a unique shout. Another suit with the same ability is Photo-Negative Minnie and God.
  • Oswald was planned to have his normal textures and to be rigged in 3.0.
Photo-Negative MickeyOswaldThe FaceSuicide MouseDaisy DuckDisembodiedAcephalousPhoto-Negative MinniePlutoPeteWillyImpure Mouse
GodUndyingSlesterHenry (Humanoid)
Jake SmithGreg Mac LochlainnLisa Bertsch Henry (Human)
Jeff The Killer