Five Nights At Treasure Island Wiki
Five Nights At Treasure Island Wiki
Information Gallery

"Now, I'm sure you've heard the rumors floating around the workplace..."

The Pete page contains speculative information. This usually occurs from pre-release videos or images, or just things that are unknown entirely. We will update the page with accurate information once more solid evidence can be supplied.
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"I haven't worked out the kinks yet..."

Gold2 updated
This page contains information about the full release of Five Nights at Treasure Island. Any information here is subject to change.
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Pete promo posted in radiance discord server
Species: Cat
Gender: Male
Color (s): Grayscale
Starting Location: Character Prep 2 (possibly)
First appearance: Unknown

Pete is one of the antagonists of Five Nights at Treasure Island, who was never added to the full game by Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez.



Pete is a black and white cat with curvaceous curves, a tall body, a jumpsuit wrapped around his waist, boots, cartoonish black eyes and teeth, a pair of small antennae and a long tail.

Despite the fact that his Disney counterpart Peg-Leg Pete wore a long black and white hat, he does not have it in this version of the game.


Pete was ment to run past Character Prep 2, so that he could get on top of the roof you would have had shut off a cam or else he would barg in the Office and kill you.


In the game files, it was revealed that Pete was running behind the bars of Character Prep 2 He was ment to go on top of the roof so he could get into The Office.


  • Pete's model was taken from Kingdom Hearts 2.[1]
  • Pete, Slester and Henry were non-canon bonus characters.
  • Its appearance was copied from Peg-Leg Pete from "Steamboat Willie" in 1928.
  • Pete and Willy are the only characters that have been based on their old counterparts from the 1930s.
  • Pete was the last thing Matthew Phoenix Rodriguez added to the game before leaving.
  • Pete was meant to be in 3.0 but was later scrapped.
  • Pete was one of the last things AnArt1996 added, before giving the game to The Purity Sinners.


Photo-Negative MickeyOswaldThe FaceSuicide MouseDaisy DuckDisembodiedAcephalousPhoto-Negative MinniePlutoPeteWillyImpure Mouse
GodUndyingSlesterHenry (Humanoid)
Jake SmithGreg Mac LochlainnLisa Bertsch Henry (Human)
Jeff The Killer