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"Now, I'm sure you've heard the rumors floating around the workplace..."
The Slester page contains speculative information. This usually occurs from pre-release videos or images, or just things that are unknown entirely. We will update the page with accurate information once more solid evidence can be supplied. Thank you! "I haven't worked out the kinks yet..."
This page contains information about the full release of Five Nights at Treasure Island. Any information here is subject to change. Thank you!
Slester is a humanoid resembling a voodoo doll in Five Nights at Treasure Island. Description[]Appearance[]Slester is a humanoid that resembles a voodoo doll of sorts with big empty eyes and a droopy mouth with what appears to be suture marks on its chest and stomach. It also appears to have two needles through its body, one going through its shoulders, and the other through its head. Behavior[]Slester causes the lights in the Office to flicker or the cameras to glitch out. Random visuals will also be seen. Despite this, Slester will not directly attack the player. Locations[]It was planned for Slester to start in The Office. Trivia[]