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These are the Sound Files for Five Nights at Treasure Island. Suits Audio[]Photo-Negative Mickey[]Photo-Negative Mickey saying "hey". hey1 Photo-Negative Mickey's second way of saying "hey". hey2 Photo-Negative Mickey asking if the player wants to see his head come off. wannaseemyheadcomeoff1 Photo-Negative Mickey's second way of asking if the player wants to see his head come off. wannaseemyheadcomeoff2 Photo-Negative Mickey's first laugh. laughreach1 Photo-Negative Mickey's second laugh. laughreach2 The sound Photo-Negative Mickey emits when killing the player. screech1 Oswald[]Oswald saying "Bless your soul" bless1 Oswald saying "Don't bless this one" bless2 Oswald saying "Have mercy on me please... I only asked for mercy" bless3 Oswald saying "God? God? God?" god1 Oswald asking "God? Where are you God?" god2 Oswald saying "God? Please listen..." god3 Oswald saying "I know you're here, so, please bless me and help me out here" god4 The Face[]The Face scream while attacking the player. screech1 Suicide Mouse[]Suicide Mouse's song. Suicide Mouse's scream while attacking the player. screech1 Disembodied[]The sound emited by Donald when he enters the office. quacks Acephalous[]Acephalous' first way of saying "Hear me..." Acephalous' second way of saying "Hear me..." Acephalous saying "Have a heart... please.." Acephalous saying "I thought you loved me..." Acephalous saying "Do you think, leaving me here, would prove anything?" Acephalous saying "I called for help.. But you didn't listen" Acephalous saying "I'm still here" Acephalous unedited voice "Hear me... , Hear me... , Give me salvation , I thought you loved me... , Do you think, leaving me here, would prove anything? I called for help.. but you didn't listen , I'm still here, Have a heart, please." Photo-Negative Minnie[]Photo-Negative Minnie saying "Why do I exist?" Photo-Negative Minnie saying "This isn't how we were supposed to be..." Photo-Negative Minnie laughing. Photo-Negative Minnie's scream. Willy[]Willy saying "Hey." on the title screen. (Notice: It's the same voice as Photo-Negative Mickey) Willy saying "Hi there." Willy saying "Hey." in-game. Willy saying "My boat? You took it." Willy saying "He isn't nice". Willy saying "where's my hat?". Willy's laugh. (Notice: It's the same laughter as Photo-Negative Mickey's.) Willy's Screech (It emits when killing the player. TBmHC[]Voice Clips[]A voice file that can be accessed with 326 + the first button from the left while holding CTRL possibly saying "Hide yourself kids." A voice file that can be accessed with 000 + the first button from the left while holding CTRL possibly saying "Your life is almost over." A voice file that can be accessed with 930 + the middle button while holding CTRL of God, possibly saying "He's here, my children," or "Can't see, my children." A voice file that can be accessed with 666 + the middle button while holding CTRL possibly saying "I am still here." Acephalous voice file that can be accessed with 530 + the second button from the right while holding CTRL saying "Hear me..." A voice file that can be accessed with 110 + the first button from the right while holding CTRL triggers a voice that seems to say "I thought you loved me." Oswald's scream voice file that can be accessed with 429 + the first button from the right while holding CTRL. Alternate Phone Calls[]Possibly an alternate Night 2 call due to its similarities to Lisa's call. This can be accessed by inputting 733 + second button from the left while holding CTRL. Possibly an alternate Night 1 call due to its similarities to Greg's call. This can be accessed by inputting 452 + the second button from the right while holding CTRL. Possibly an alternate Night 1 call for the same reason. This can be accessed by inputting 824 + the first button from the left while holding CTRL. Five Nights at Treasure Island[]The original demo (version 1.3.2) main menu noises. Ambience from the game. Phone Calls[]Greg's phone call from Night 1. Hiding[]The sound played when the player gets up from under the desk. The sound played when the player gets down under the desk. Deaths[]The sound made by Photo-Negative Mickey. The sound emitted by Oswald when attacking the player. Photo-Negative Minnie's scream. Monitor[]The sound emitted when the player opens or closes the Monitor. The sound emitted when the player switches between cameras. The sound emitted when the player shuts off a camera. Clock[]The sound played when the player reaches 6 A.M. |
Sound Files